It was great to showcase my designs in Edinburgh kids fashion festival 22nd September 2018.
It has been a long time to decide on the venue…
I had one opportunity that I was really looking for that had to cancel for the great reason.
It wasn’t anybody’s fault, just as it happens sometimes because we are not selfish!!
As a designer, people think you should be aiming for Paris Fashion Week for where all the best buyers gathering.
But in my mind saying, it is not my venue…
The reason why I was thinking that way because I really don’t want to go into the trap in the bad wheel of the
fashion industry.
The big brand is just wasting their energy for producing new, but same time burning them,
to protect their brand credibility.
I would rather serve my energy to people who need for. Waste not want!
So I feel good when I did my show in Edinburgh with part of Cancel Cancer Africa Charity show with my dear friend
model who should shine in the huge stage like in the Cinema, or Paris Fashion Week!
The background is my fantastic models who walked the catwalk at Surgeon Hall with Edinburgh Kids Fashion Festival International. White Dress with headpiece is my beautiful friend Mhairi Waddell. In gold outfits is Layla Burns both did fantastic job actors/models talented girls who have a bright future!! Image by Anne E Milne