I don’t think Tin drinks are as popular as other world than Japan…
Just I saw the articl about “1st October is World Coffee Day”, I thought write about this…
Every street we see drinks, tabacco, vending machine hot and cold even very rural area of Japan…
So it is life saver when you are walking outside in cold Winter.
When I was playing tennis without caring about skin condition 🙂 ,
I used to freeze 500ml carton of coffe milk and take with long handle spoon.
It was just great half melted and slushed sweet milk coffee at lunch time in hot Summer day.
We had vending machine everywhere, just saving temptation every time we walk pass.
After swimming, hot dog or cup noodle’s vending machine that we couldn’t tackle against those treat!!
Soft drink, Alcohole, tabacco….selection of vending machine in Japan.
I didn’t know 1st October is world coffee day until I read this article.
10th UCC Milk Coffee design Picture from Asahi, by UCC 写真・図版 10代目のミルク入り缶コーヒー=UCC上島珈琲提供
My childhood no.1 coffee. People say Chibaraki’s national drink ?! ( Chiba and Ibaraki combined nick name ) マックスコーヒー(2015年Jタウンネット撮影)
![「milk coffee in carton in Japan」の画像検索結果](https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/cs-2.png?w=640&h=427)
I used to freeze this and took it with lunch when we had tennis tournament.