Blocking hat using fabric has to go through 2 different process. 1 – sewing fabric hat as normal
2 – block the hat on the block with stiffener on.
3 – Before drying shape it nice to set.
Author: toco
Block making – 1
Winter hats
仕事という幸せ。。。Happiness of work and lifestyle…
I have been working to prepare for the exhibition in Japan. Thanks to Chie-san and
Hagiya-sensei, they kicked my bottom and persuade me to go for it.
Making and working on hat is always something new to discover for new possibility.
Mr. Akio Hirata was a biggest and happiest milliner who was creating hats for Empress of
Japan for long years. She is very stylish and elegant with her appearance. I always admire
her. Her saucer looking hats are created to purpose. So her hair stays good condition and
not to disturb her jobs for foreign greetings.
Hat is something you can show your colour. I would love to work to make customer happy.
(c)朝日新聞社 の写真より。Boutique salon Coco. Mr. Akio Hirata
Creations ”Merging two”
I have been working on the exhibition in September in Japan…
I am working “Merging two” as my theme.
Long way to go yet, but lots of preparation needed.
Every time I do start something, always some destruction on my way.
Just wonder if it is normal for all the business??
I have been creating winter hats for Japanese customers. I would go for mature ladies who
enjoy socializing and going out.
As a designer, I work alone and try to create something new to impress people.
Sometime difficult to judge myself, if the audience would like my creations. End of the day, my creations are acceptable to customers or not.
So, I decided to put the pictures on FB.
Tocofashion’s accessories
Little fascinator
I have been making fascinator for wedding occasions for the customer.
If you have chance to do the fitting, you should take the opportunity.
But I will do similar service, even remote customer. I will send the picture and
discus the balance with you. Balance and length of the feather is about bespoke touch!
Preparation for next event..
Hi, After the wedding fayre, now I am making new Autumn and Winter collection for Japan.
I am blocking felt hat…I was thinking making match casual hat but turn into very elegant hat. I will make casual hats on due to demand.
I am wishing someone like actress can choose such a hat!
This is 2 tone wool felt hat with medium sized brim which hand blocked and hand stitched.
I will keep updating them but first I have to send this to Japan.
Wedding fayre
Today I brought 4 huge hat boxes and 2 medium boxes 3 hat stands and 1 dummy for display with my husband help. Customer came 12-16:00 pm. 16th century building hotel. We had lunch at hunting room!! Solid low sealing with pictures and ornament hanging on the wall. But wedding room is wide bright warm looking room. 15 exhibitors are lovely selection by coordinator. We have been serving few customers from the beginning, I forgot to take any photo of displays and venue. but one of future bride tried my unique headpiece. My husband took photo of her. Isn’t she lovely?
Wedding Fayre
Tocofashion is exhibiting wedding fayre.
Venue : Macdonald Houstoun House Hotel
EH52 6JS
Date : Sunday 27th April 2014 12:00 – 16:00
If you are looking for a hat for your special day with matching outfit, why don’t you come to see your dream hat will be? I can help you and show some ideas!